Curtis Clark
Bringing Common-sense Policies from the Bridge to the Beltway.
Curtis Clark
Bringing Common-sense Policies from the Bridge to the Beltway.
My fellow Americans;
There is no disputing that America today is faced with many challenges we have never faced in our history.
- Runaway national debt is crippling our ability for our
economy to recover from the Pandemic. - Government overreach into our lives and businesses is
causing fear for our future freedom as never known before. - While our nation has always been a beacon for legal foreign
immigration, our porous Southern Border has become
nothing short of a disaster happening in real time. - Our national education system is now teaching subjects that
can only be described as both inaccurate history (for
political correctness) as well as subjects regarding WOKE-
ISM, which should not be taught by these institutions to
our small children. - Our military is being gutted due to partisan politics and a
WOKE culture which is inhibiting enlistments. - Our once proud energy grid (and energy independence) has
been gutted by more partisan politics and subjected to a
green movement that is unlikely to supply our nation’s
needs for decades to come. - Capitol Hill is filled with belligerent politicians who are only
interested in furthering their personal political agendas (for
profit) rather than working for the American people. - Our freedoms and liberties are being strangled by a Justice
System which is not dishing out equal and fair justice but
rather more partisan politics.
My fellow Americans, having served our nation in the United
States Army for over 25 years, I learned several valuable lessons
for life. They are honor, integrity, decency toward everyone, and a
work ethic second to none. As your next Congressman, I pledge to
have an open door policy, transparency, and fight for this district, state, and nation which I so proudly served for a quarter of a century. I look forward to meeting you in the near future and serving you, “We the People.”

62% of Americans believe we need another political party choice
Source: Gallop Poll